23 January 2008

Dramatic Media Review: Carnivále

This was a fantastic series. And just to give some idea of the scope of the series. If one were to take the TV show Heroes, and the two books: The Grapes of Wrath, and The Holy Bible, and stick them all in a blender the end result just might be Carnivále. The imagery and editing leave one with the feelings of must having been to a good "burly-q" from the 1930's. The storyline grows through the two seasons at a pretty steady clip and gives the inevitable confrontation between good and bad avatars ample time to decant. And the confusion of good and evil in every character of the movie shows the very strong 'human' element that these carnies seem to have.

That all being said, I must warn as many people as possible not to watch this ABOMINATION of American cinema. And now, I'm going to do you a favor... I don't often do this, but I'm going to save you the trouble of ever seeing this show. I'm going to tell you how it ends. That should be enough "heads-up" babbling for those of you who don't really want to know the ending to have stopped reading so....

Ben kills Brother Justin in the corn field outside of New Canaan. But Sofie finds out that she is the product of Brother Justin raping her mother. Sofie becomes the Omega and shoots Jonesy. Now, we don't know that he's dead as the last we see of him, he slumps against a wall staring at Sofie. The nest scene we find that Ben is still alive but unconscious. And roll the credits.... I'm not kidding. They didn't even attempt to wrap up the story.

This was SO disappointing with Carnivále especially because it was extraordinarily well made. The production value felt hefty. The story was interesting and moved along well. And then they just took the piss at the end of season 2. How disappointing! I'm going to have to regroup before starting another HBO series.


Colabella said...

Does this mean that you forgive R. Jordan? I mean, shit... the HBO people CHOSE to quit.

Benjamin said...

Absolutely not, FROM HELL'S HEART I STAB AT ROBERT JORDAN! Dying before he finished the series... what a prick!